Monday, April 28, 2008


"PRANAN(LIFE)"-OUR BREATH.Our respiratory sysytem is another amazing unit in our body factory.We breath 13 pints of air every min i.e,appox 7 liters.And a healthy person at rest breaths 12-15 times per min.Isnt that amazing!!! BUT R WE BREATHING PROPERLY???? Well....... we all know how to breathe.This is something that occurs naturally without one being aware of it.It may sound stupid if someone told us how to breathe but we develop unhealthy wrong way of doing this because of our wrong posture, life style, pollution etc,and as time goes.... it becomes a part of our normal lifestyle. But what if its long as we r breathing???!!! Everyone knows that the brain requires more oxygen than any other organ. If the brain does not gets proper supply of oxygen, it will result in the degradation of all vital organs in the body.If our breathing is too shallow ,quick, our intake of oxygen will be less than the elimination of carbon dioxide. As a result, our bodies are oxygen starved, and a toxic build-up occurs. Every cell in the body requires oxygen for our good health.Even as far back as 1947, work done in Germany showed that when oxygen was withdrawn, normal body cells could turn into cancer cells.An editorial in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine suggested that fast, shallow breathing can cause fatigue, sleep disorders, anxiety, stomach upsets, heart bum, gas, muscle cramps, dizziness, visual problems, chest pain and heart palpitations.Increasing the amount of oxygen in your system through proper breathing will improve in the quality of our bloodstream, enhancing digestion, improve health of the nervous system and rejuvenate glands, skin and lungs. apart from all these taking a few deeps breaths is a great way to relieve stress,lower the heart rate , relax the muscles and reduce excessive anxiety levels. So.... what the right way?... how to increase the level of oxygen intake?..simple.... 
lets start with ABDOMINAL BREATHING..... next
Hey, one last word... to stay young...Scientists have also discovered that oxygen is critical for the production of ATP(chemical basis of energy production in the body is a chemical called Adenosine Triphosphate -ATP). If something goes wrong with the production of ATP, the result is lowered vitality, disease and PREMATURE AGING .so... now u know how to be a Margandeyan(boy who got boon from lord shiva to stay young always)


  1. Very Interesting and Innovative information for good health. Keep it up Ambika madam.



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