Thursday, May 1, 2008


In India ,we have for a long time known that the power of sound and music affects our emotions,which ultimately affects our bodies. Right from our birth ( Thalattu/lulluby)till death(oppari/death song) there are songs and music in our life.
Everything in this universe is vibrational in nature.Modern science says that every tissue, cell etc of our body vibrates in a specific frequency, this shows that sound does have some effect on our mind and body.
Many of us must have seen beating of drums in the temple ...when walking on fire or when someone is possessed(chotani karai),When we listen to a music our hands or foot starts to tap why all this?This must have a reason behind.
I would to love share some of my views about this Miracle of sounds.
First to come in this Healing sound section is the PRANAVAM...The very begining...AUMKARA
Chanting the Mantra OM can cure the root cause of major disease .i.e, it activates major glands in our body and keeps us healthy.
1)Sit in comfortable position. 2)Close eyes and take deep breath . 3)Exhaling start chanting "Ahhhhhh UHoooooo Mmmmmmm"its AUM and not OM. As we begin, the “AH” vibrates and resonates in abdomen then to heart. As we continue with the sound, we resonate the “OH” in the throat. We conclude this sound with the “MMM” resonating in our forehead and finally at the top of the head. If we concentrating on this vibration we can see that almost the whole endocrine system gets activated by this vibration .This helps lower the heart rate, relax the brain wave patterns and reduce respiratory rates and keeps us healthy.
Note:reference from my Dad's book.. IYARKKAI MARUTHUVAM(Natural remedies)

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