Saturday, July 7, 2012


This has become very common these days even among whats the reason for
1)Mainly because of hardening of feces ,which may be due to wrong dietary habit like lack of fiber and water in our food.
2)Medication like iron, calcium etc
or some illness like liver problem, hypo thyroid etc,

Constipation in a long run will lead other problems like piles and colon issues.
But there is a solution for everything unless its very complicated.There are many natural remedy for this problem like
1) drinking warm water in the morning.
2) having soaked fig or methi(fenugreeek) or raisin  early in the morning in empty stomach.
3)not having late night dinner .
4)having more fiber in the diet , that's more greens and vegetables.
5)avoiding refined flour and refined items in the diet .
6) and of course good exercise/yoga.

Though there are many yogasanas that helps relieve this problem, This particular one, a very old practice that human had... squatting is the best. In India and other developing or under developed countries this is the only one that's still in practise..Guess what???. 
Ok  here is the clue.... one that they use for elimination of our waste.
yesssssss.. you are right....its called malasana or squatting pose or garland pose(wonder why they gave this name???!!!)


1)stand with feet apart and bend the knees and squat.
2)keep the heels on the ground.If that is difficult can use a folded cloth under buttock as support
3)Now bring the folded arms to the center of the chest to a namaskar position

1)Opens hip and groin.Most important is for pregnant ladies this helps preventing hemorrhoids , one of the effects of prolonged  constipation.
2)Elimination of waste easy
3)Tones belly
4)Strengthens calf muscles, ankles and toe.

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